I've been organizing all my fabrics. Whew! More than I thought! I'm using a method someone posted on one of my quilt groups. Everything is looking so nice and neat now because all of the fabrics are folded the same. If you'd like to see what I'm referring to mosey on over to TheHappyZombie.com . Scroll down the page and on the right side you will find a sink to Fabric Folding.
My shelves are now sorted accoring to colors and all the bitty scraps and orphan blocks are house in plastic shoesboxes I got at the local Bi-Mart Store. $4.99/8. Can't beat a deal like that these days.
I still have some fabrics that I want to cut into strips. That was my project for today but instead i took the car in town and had the oil changed. (oh, yay!) I went to our tire shop to get it done and they even vacuumed the car for me. It was a horrible mess after all winter and it was way too cold to even think about doing the job here at home. Now I suppose I should stop by the car wash and give the poor thing a bath.
There is laundry calling to be folded. Sigh. Why can't dogs be trained to do housework? Sounds good to me LOL Just think how much more time we'd have for quilting!
I DID get a little practice in on the free motion quilting before I managed to break the needle. Another job waiting to be done.
It's an absolutely beautiful day here in South Central Washington. And WARM even! Not really the kind of day to waste indoors. Especially after the weather we've had all across the country this winter. But, it's still too muddy to do any kind of yard work.
Well, those lazy dogs are just napping rather than getting the chores done so I suppose I will have to do them!
My Wednesday Gratefuls
I'm grateful the sun is shining
I'm grateful for our local tire shop guys cleaning the interior of my car
I'm grateful that the week is nearly over
Nice job! I love sliding my cupboard door open and seeing those neat folds, I can see at a glance exactly the color I'm looking for! Sharyn/KalamaQuilts