but getting closer to being gone!
After what was turning into an I Love Lucy episode we finally got my RV home! Now I'm busy getting it cleaned and loaded ready to go. I haven't moved in nearly 30 years, so deciding what I REALLY use vs. what I THINK I need is a challenge.
Unfortunately, my sewing machine has barely been touched for several months. I'm sure that will all change once I get settled in!! My daughter usually has a small mountain of mending for me. I'm hoping that this delerict mother can FINALLY teach her adult daughter to sew...simple mending at least.
This morning there was this beautiful sun glow on the pine trees making them very fall-ish looking. Yes, the sun is casting a glow on the GREEN trees, they aren't naturally that color!
Today I'm thankful for... beautiful sunrises like this, and my few remaining days here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest.