I was just visiting Handmade By Heidi and her Friday Night Sew-In for April is to make pillowcases for the kids that ConKer Cancer is involved with. What a great opportunity to make something simple that will at least lift the spirits of these unfortunate children. Go over to her site to get all the details.
I didn't get one of my little space heaters turned on last night. It got down to 23* or 24* F during the night. When I came in here this morning it was 62* here by the computer! Time for LOTS of hot stuff LOL I finally got the heater to do something other than blow cold air. Now it's time for a shower to warm up my cold, cold feet. Yes, I DO have socks/shoes on, thank you!!
I found the cutest little coffee mugs at the Dollar Tree the other day. I really enjoy Pam Kitty Morning showing off her mugs so thought I'd do the same. They say that mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery, SO. . . .
I love that book, "Scandinavian Stitches," by Kajsa Wikman. It is just full of fun, cheery little projects. She also has a blog site Kajsa Wikman , if you'd like to see more of her creations.
Sorry, but I already drank all the coffee! Unfortunately they didn't have any coordinating saucers, so I have to make do with with I have. I'm so attracted to polka dots that I would have loved a dotted one, even a solid pink would have been nice. Oh well, I like the contrast of that little blue saucer. You can't really tell from the photo but that saucer is shaped like a flower blossom, one of my thrift store finds.
Off to the shower so I can get outdoors while it's still sunny and see what I can photograph today!
Today I'm thankful for:
1. Getting that little heater to put out heat!
2. The fact the sun is shinning.
3. All the different varieties of birds that have returned. They remind me that Winter really CAN"T last all year!
You all have a great day, and COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS!