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Saturday, December 17, 2011

It's Beginning To Seem Alot Like Christmas!

No. No snow yet, but an endless supply of frozen fog.  It does make everything white.

I finally framed a small stitchery that i did last winter. It was shown in multi colors but, loving redwork, I did it in bluework!

I've been doing other sewing lately but after the first of the year I plan to really attack all the quilt patterns in my "I Want To Do" file. We won't talk about how BIG it is LOL I think I'm addicted to downloading all the neat patterns I see online, plus buying every quilting magazine that catches my eye. If you think I can ever throw one out, WRONG. Sometimes I just grab a few, sit in my rocker, and feast on the eye candy! I also scatter a few in strategic places in the living room as seasonal decor. Nate Berkus likes stacks of books so why not magazines also? LOL

Today I'm thankful that moving the thermostat for the furnace has helped a great deal in warming the rest of the house. It is a programmable one so now I need to get it programmed for something warmer than 62*! That's not in my comfort zone, more like my "I'm frozen now" zone! Now, if I could just get rid of the nasties in my bedroom I'd have my entire tiny house back! OR, I could just move. I'd REALLY like that!

Have a totally awesome day!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

White Christmas? Maybe

It's snowing!  Not very much, just enough to make the ground white so far but I'm sure all the kids are excited!

Here's what I've finished today.  I'm making progress!

You can't tell from the photo but there are tiny little pom-poms, glitter, and sequins on the snowmen. These little postcards go to the grands in Texas.

The tea towel apron started out as one of those quick in-an-afternoon projects.  Well, it turned into a PROJECT! I really wanted to use that yellow ric-rac but I was 5" short. Bummer. I "borrowed" just enough from another project but then there was a seam where it joined so I made the yo-yo flowers to cover it up. It called for ribbon ties but every day I've had in mind to go to town something else has come up so I used some other  coordinating fabric to make the ties.  FINALLY, it's done!

I've been having so much fun making postcards that I did the two with the reindeer from two orphan blocks I had and two little Daisy Kingdom reindeer that I've had "forever." I think they were in the scrap part of some Daisy Kingdom thing I did for my younger daughter when she was young. (She just turned 31, so you know how old those reindeer are!)

I have one more postcard in mind to make for my sister (by choice, not blood). She has really been there for me even though we live about 60 miles apart at this time. So I'm going to try and make her a paper pieced yellow rose. We'll see how it comes out.

A friend came over and checked out the "cool-air" furnace.  It put out heat just fine when he was here.  Yesterday, back to cool air.  He's coming back tomorrow.  Everything checks out just fine when he puts his meter on it.  Sigh.  Thank you God for my pellet stove!  I had to clean out the stove pipe today because it just wasn't burning right.  No wonder. It was VERY clogged!  It helps to do maintenance once in awhile LOL It has a cap on the bottom that you take off to get the soot out but I couldn't get it loose so I had to have a neighbor stop by and take it off for me.  Messy job! My stove is burning so nicely now though!  I have a new favorite brand of pellets. They are Hot Shot. They burn so much cleaner and completely than the ones I used previously.  AND, they are $50 less per ton. That's one of the few times I prefer something that's less expensive!

Today I'm thankful for:


Pellet Stoves

Have an absolutely awesome day!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Today I'm Thankful For. . . .

A friend who had a business in heating & cooling, came over today to check out my cold, cold furnace. He brought his meter to find out just what the problem was.  Guess what!! Not a thing! It must have been a loose connection of some sort and when he jostled wires it reconnected. I don't know and I don't care.  I have heat again and the best part is it didn't cost a thing. I've been without a furnace for over a month. The high here today was 26*! Now, before you wonder just HOW I was able to survive I'll confess that I do have a pellet stove. I was living in a very small space and venturing to the back of the house (bathroom) only when it became desperate!

Praise the Lord for helpful friends!!  And, Thank You for heat!

This is what i saw when I peeked out Saturday morning, a real Winter Wonderland! It's frozen fog, not snow, but it's still beautiful.

And here is a little fabric Christmas card for my older granddaughter in TX

Nothing fancy yet, I'm still a novice at this but I think a five year old will like it.

I have her brother's and her two cousins in various stages. I'll post them when they are finished.  AND, I just need to put the ties and neck strap on my tea towel apron, then I can unveil it.  So I have been trying to keep busy while it wasn't too cold in here!

Have an awesome day!
And don't forget to be thankful for SOMETHING!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Preview Is A Good Thing

Had I taken the time to preview the last post I would have noticed I was referring to a Turtorial LOL I seriously doubt I will post again without previewing it first!

My apron is almost done. I want to use some jumbo rick rack that is just the right color. It is about 6" too short. So I think what I'll do is decide just where I want some additional trim, cut the rick rack and put it on either side. If I do it right I don't think it will be too noticeable.  A friend suggested yo-yo flowers. That would be cute.

A family situation was resolved today favorably so I worried all day for nothing. Why, at my age, do I feel that my worrying will change the outcome?  I could have been much more relaxed all day and I'm sure my arteries would have appreciated it!  Somewhere, probably on a cassette, I have that old (now) song about "Don't Worry, Be Happy." Days like this I need to have it on a constant loop in the background LOL

So. My gratitude for today is that situations will work out the way they are supposed to and I need to just quit worrying about everything.

Have an awesome day! And. . . . don't worry, be happy!

Tomorrow is going to be a long day so I'm going to watch a little TV and turn in for the night. I am really tired, probably from all the worrying!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

PS to Apron Turtorial

I flipped through her catalog to find the size of the fabric used for the trim and ruffle. It's 18"x27", a little wider that a FQ (fat quarter). Stampin'Up sells a bundle of 3 for around $10. Time for Stash Shopping!

The day is going fine so far.  I just can't believe how intelligent our Border Collie is. We have fencing and a gate that prevents her from going up to our shop. Earlier, I took her out and opened the gate, told her to go up and eat her breakfast. Mind you, I've never done this before. She watched until I was safely back in the house then went up and ate. The next time I looked out she was sitting patiently by the gate, waiting for me to open it and let her back in the house. Are ALL BCs this smart? (not allowing Skidboot in to the competition LOL I'm not too sure but what she could have been a challenge to him when she was younger!) She will herd chickens on her own but I have better luck getting them out of my yard with my Mini Doxie!

Have a Great Day!
I just discovered a blog with the neatest little things you can make from all those scraps--pattern weights.  You can see them here . I've always thought of pattern weights as oversized washers, ugly but practical, these bring pretty into the picture also.  You could make them to coordinate with you sewing space, what fun! Why didn't I have thse years ago when I was sewing clothes with tissue patterns? Oh, well, I soon will have a few to add to the clutter collection in my tiny sewing room.

Here's another practical item, a tea towel apron video right here . I don't know about you but when I cook I always have a towel handy. . . . somewhere, in the way, on the counter, with one of these the towel will always be right where I need it. My only problem has been trying to find the width of towel she uses. I searched the internet, and found some really cute ones, in France! I just can't justify spending that kind of precious money on an apron LOL So my apron will have a seam in it, no big deal, this is a working apron, not one to wear when welcoming guests! And, since I don't have a die cutter I'm just going stash busting and finding something I have to make ruffles from. Just get resourceful and you can come up with something! I have a towel sitting near my sewing machine at this moment waiting for me to recreate it into something even more useful

Today I'm grateful that it is December 1, not very cold considering what it can be here, and there is NONE of that white stuff on the ground.  What are you grateful for today?

Oh, can I have two gratefuls today? I'm also grateful for my very best friend.  We've managed to weather everything life has thrown our ways and still be friends. We are miles apart right now but she still will change her plans when I need her. I just wanted to  tell the world you are the greatest!

Have an absolutely awesome day as you rush around getting ready for Christmas

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Just a short post today to express my gratitude and share a short little movie with you. Please watch this movie. It is excellent!

I have an unspoken gratitude today. It's very personal so I won't share it here.

My dog wanted out a bit ago so I stood watching the night sky while waiting for her. How very beautiful!  There was the huge constellation, Orion, dominating the southern sky and thousands and thousands of lesser stars and other constellations.  It is so peaceful and quiet at night in the country and the darkness covers everything that is less than joyful to gaze upon.

Yesterday I finished two little fabric postcards for a swap I'm in. I thought I'd share them with you. Nothing fantastic but these are my first attempt at making postcards so I do have a certain sense of maternal pride in them.

This one is a representation of Mt Hood Or and the Columbia River. It doesn't show well in the photo but I added glitter on the snow and I plan to put just a touch on the water also.

This one is a winsurfer on the Columbia. There is more glitter on the water than shows in the photo.

I see now why people get so addicted to making postcards. They are FUN and use up those scraps I'm too stingy to toss! You can be sure I'll be making more!

Be grateful for the simple things in life that we all tend to take for granted and have an AWESOME day.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankful For . . . .

I was just reading my daily email from Mary Hunt . Of course, her theme was on being more thankful for what we have. That instead of just expressing our thankfulness one day a year, we should do it EVERY day.

With that in mind, right now I'm very thankful for:

A roof that doesn't leak. It is pouring down rain out there.

That I'm not in Astoria, OR where earlier this morning the wind was 97mph on the Astoria-Megler Bridge. Does the Happy Zombie still live in that area?

That my oldest granddaughter showed up on my doorstep quite unexpectedly Saturday morning. No, she didn't run away, it was just a surprise to me.

I'm missing my TX family very much this week. Wish I could be there! Wouldn't it be fun if i could fly down for Christmas with them?  Too many snowy roads between me and them to even think of driving this time of year and REALLY surprising them.

Have an AWESOME day!

PS Here is a very interesting site that was shared with me. Have fun!

Bits N Pieces Workshop

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I Think I've Been AWOL Long Enough !!

I had a bit of the dreary-wearies late in the Winter, believe me, you wouldn't have wanted to read a word I wrote! I even lost a couple of  "friends" during that time. I THOUGHT they were true friends, bad times teach one the difference. OK, enough of that.

I'm back and wanting to keep myself from experiencing THAT again. My younger daughter got married July 10. It was a beautiful wedding and instead of throwing birdseed or what-have-you at the couple they released Painted Lady butterflies. It was magical! They were spendy but oh so worth every penny.

I'm no longer a Grammie-Nanny to her children as they moved to Texas the latter part of October.  It has taken me a few weeks to come to grips with not having them any longer. I'd move to Texas also, if I could!! My son, daughter-in-law and their two children also live there. I bearly know the other two. So, that's two-thirds of my family down there.

To keep myself busy I've been cleaning and rearranging closets and supboards. I can hardly open the door of the extra fridge out in my storage shed !! But my house is looking less like a storage shed. I've watched too many of those Hoarding programs on TV, and do NOT want to be like that. My Mother is a hoarder although she denies it because you can still walk through her house. Just how many dishes does a single woman in her 80s need? Or computers? (that are VERY outdated) I don't want those genetic tendencies to come to the forefront. Salvation Army is doing well right now thanks to my donation every time I get to town, I'm sure!

I did manage to get a set of appliqued rooster placemats done for my daughter-in-law in time for the DD to take them down. I haven't checked on my camera to see if I got any photos of them or not.

I'm trying to get things arranged so I can make some Quilts for Kids and use up some of my stash. I want new stash and won't allow myself to buy more fabric until this is gone, or nearly so.

Then I'm going to make myself some of those warm fleecy lounging pajamas. This old house is so drafty that I freeze unless the heat is turned way up. In the interest of saving money and natural resources I will wear fleece.  It's either that or become a couch potato.

Saturday Simmering

Would someone please find me a larger home in the Panhandle of TX? You'd be my new BFF!! Somewhere up around the Borger or Stinnett area.

That's the main thing on my mind today! I am NOT going to complain about the cold!

Have a GREAT day!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Kids Say The Darnest Things !!

I'm sitting with two of my grandchildren yesterday and my granddaughter who is four tells me that Mommy got a new kind of milk. It's CHOCOLATE, Grammie!! I'm trying hard to contain myself and not let her know that they even had chocolate milk when Grammie was a little girl! So later, when I'm telling Mommy what all happened while she was at work I mentioned this and  she told me that she had been at Grocery Outlet and they had Organic Chocolate Milk, in a 1 quart box so she bought one. Now, here's the best part!! Her daughter loved it. Her son didn't like it at all. Which goes to show that it's not a raging hormonal thing because My Little Princess is only FOUR!

But her mother did release a dragon because now Princess asks about everything, "Does it have chocolate on it?" And I mean EVERYTHING !!

Hope you get as good a laugh from this as Grammie did!

Thankful Thursday

For a beautiful unseasonable warm February day
Jackets in various weights
Quilt patterns

Hope your day was great!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Going "Green"

What do you do to reduce the amount of plastic going into our landfills? Today's post over at Not Quite June Cleaver is all about going "Green" and she also has a nice little GLASS fridgie dish as a giveaway.

This got me to thinking. One comment was that individual didn't use the produce bags anymore. I use them, but then I line a plastic bucket that potato salad came in with them and put the kitchen scraps in there, then when it's full I take it to my compost pile. The thin plastic bag thengets recycled the last time as heat in our wood stove!

I use the plastic grocery bags I get when I forget my reusable bags to line my waste baskets. Makes emptying the baskets quick and keeps the basket clean. Again, recycled to the wood stove. Oh, I seperate burnables/non-burnables.

I'm also big on the recycling thing. I nearly get free garbage service because anything they will take for recycling goes there. The main thing they won't take is tin can lids for some reason. So I have a seperate basket under my kitchen sink for those things. I think we MIGHT take one pickup load of non-burnable/non-recycleable garbage to our transfer station a YEAR. And all I have to do is set out my recycle bags every other Thursday and it's picked up for me. And I don't find that it's any more difficult to toss the garbage in one basket versus another.

I also use paper grocery bags the same way. I'm almost out of those plastic baket liners that you can buy but in cleaning out the back of a cupboard the other day found a HUGE supply of paper bags. Wah-la, my new supply of liners. Back to the days before they (basket liners) were available!

So, what do you do to be "greener"? Why don't you share with us? Leave a comment, ok.

By the way, I'm asking my mother for those 1950s glass refridgerator dishes LOL

I could go on and on but I'm trying hard to restrain myself! Have to save something for another post LOL

Have a great day and I hope those in the eastern part of the country are thawing out. Then they'll have to worry about flooding when all that snow melts. Big sigh. Remember, February doesn't last forever!

Thursday Thanks

That I don't live where the snow is.
That I wasn't involved in any rolling blackouts in frigid weather.
That I have a humble but warm house.
That Daisy is feeling better. ( She ate something she shouldn't have
       and her system clean itself out. 'Nuff said?)
That my TV shuts itself off after a certain time with no channel change.
   It's a great energy saver when I fall asleep watching tv in the evening!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Right now I am SO thankful that I live where I do! I'm so empathetic for those of you who live further east. I heard that it was forecasted to be 9*F in El Paso, TX  last night. That's cold no matter where it is but those poor people down there don't know how to deal with that kind of weather like those of us further north do. Do they even HAVE anti-freeze down there? And there is SO much snow in the far eastern part of the country. I wish they could ship it out to our Cascade Mountains for snow pack! Wouldn't that be interesting? Seeing train car loads of SNOW LOL

The February challenge in one of my Yahoo Groups is to use at least 5 different red prints, only reds, (can have small amounts of another color but predominately red), and create something.  I have wanted to make a cloth purse like my present one with a few modifications. I wasn't thinking of red, but...

I was on the phone until midnight last night and I'm just very unenergetic today. I have real case of I-just-want-to-be-a-couch potato today.

Today I'm Thankful For:

True Friends
The Telephone, to keep in touch
My Little Prince and Princess

Friday, January 28, 2011


If you look to the left you will now see the Print Friendly button right below the time/temp button.

Have fun!!

A GIFT FOR YOU-- Print Friendly

Someone shared this print site with me so I'm passing it on to you. You can enter the url for what you'd like to print and this will do it for you. It makes it into a PDF file so you can edit out the ads etc. that you don't want to print. Then, of course, you can change font style, size and whatever. Do anything that you can with a PDF. Pretty neat! I WILL be making use of this. I usually highlight, then do the copy/paste into a Word file so that I can edit. This will be much faster. Oh, for some unknown reason I put it at the bottom of the page. I think I will get that moved when I can so it will be easier to get to. Just click on it and you will be redirected to the site.

Have an absolutely awesome day!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

It's a Beautiful Day!

It doesn't look very warm out but it is certainly beautiful! I do see thin clouds coming in through. RATS!!

I received a great honor the other day. That little Snowman in My Cabin mini hanging I made was put up as the photo on the home page of the Challenge group I belong too. Maybe to encourage the others to get their project photos uploaded, but still.

For another group I elected to join a gift swap. It has to be to the list Mom by 3/1. I'm to make something that will fit in the smallest flat rate box. The trouble is, I want to do something that will be different, but nice, from all the other gifts.  Do any of you really use needle books or pin keeps? I thought of a pin cushion but if other ladies are like me, they have more than they need. Notice I didn't say want, I said need LOL Any suggestions?

At the moment I'm auditioning fabrics for a set of Rooster placemats for my daughter-in-law. I want to make them fairly realistic, in other words, not blue or pink!!

I don't think I'm far enough along with any of my projects to show you any photos today. Sorry. I always enjoy seeing photos when I'm cruising around Blogland.

Tuesday Thanks

For the sunshine and blue sky
That my cold or whatever is getting better
The birds are slowly coming back to my feeder
For the Creator Who so lovingly gave us this beautiful world
For my Grandchildren

Have an awesome day!


Sunday, January 16, 2011

PS You Have to See This!

Check out this YouTube Video! blind quilter . It's amazing! Those of us that are sighted need to count our blessings and quit complaining about how unhandy our sewing spaces might be.

How about Once a Week?

I had made up my mind to  post several times a week this year but...I'm already behind! Between trying to get a head start on spring cleaning and actually doing some sewing my blog fell by the wayside. Here are some pics of what I've been doing.

The snowflakes were somewhat of a pain to applique but I do love ap-plique so it wasn't too bad, just time consuming.
Can you tell I like snowmen? The scarf is just glued at the neck so it will hang free. I fringed the ends also. This is for a log cabin challenge on one of my Yahoo groups. I call it Snowman in my cabin. The photo doesn't show it well but I found some wood grain fabric that was just perfect for the tree trunks. If you look hard you can see the freehand snowflakes that I did for the quilting. I added a little glitter to the trees to give it a more festive look.

Our snow has all disappeared thanks to warm temperatures and rain. Don't get me wrong! I am NOT complaining in the least!

Now I need to get busy on a little gift for a gift exchange. There are a few guidelines we have to follow. Everything has to fit in the smallest Flat-Rate box, one item we've made ourselves and we can fill the rest of the box with whatever. BUT, it can't exceed $10. So that has me thinking and thinking.

I'm also making a set of rooster placemats for my daughter-in-law. I'm just waiting for the background fabric to arrive. I found some of that cute chicken wire fabric to put behind the roosters. Now, for the back? I'm not sure at this point.

I've downloaded way too many ofl the fabulous free BOMS that are starting this month. I just can't resist!  I agree. It's a sickness of some sort!!

And a list buddy introduced me to Siggy Tags.  Oh what fun! Finding just the RIGHT graphic and adding your name. Now if I could just get those creative juices flowing and make my own graphics!

So that's what I've been up to the past few weeks. What about you?

Sunday Slumbers
Why is there only 24 hours in a day?
Why does it feel so cold when it rains and is really warmer?
Why is today so dreary?
Why don't we just run away to that deserted island in the South Pacific?
Why couldn't I have won that $390 million LOL?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

And A Happy New Year!


I just have to post today because of the date being all the same number. Something that won't happen again for 12 years, 2/2/22. I know, I know, I'm into weird things.

Was anyone awake to usher in the new year? I dosed off and woke up at 12:15 am, so the year wasn't very old yet!

My immediate sewing plans are to finish the "Snowman in my Cabin" mini quilt I've started for January.  I'd like to do one for each month. I already have February and October.

My mouse saga continues. All my food is in jars, the dishes and cookware I use is where they can't get at it, so out of vengeance they chewed up my potholders which were in a drawer they can get to. They didn't use any of the fabric, just chewed it into pieces and left it there.  I guess as a "Ha-ha, you just THINK everything is safe from us!" In retaliation, I washed and moved the potholders to a safer place. I WILL win this war! Time to get out all the various types of traps.