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Sunday, July 19, 2009

Alone Again...Sorta

This is the little lap quilt I made my Mom. I know all kinds of things NOT to do to a quilt now!

Granddaughter #2 went home yesterday. She'd been here three weeks and was missing her Mom, so they came and got her a week early. So I actually have a few moments on the computer!

I'm in the midst of trying to better organize my sewing/computer room. Hopeless, I know, but still... I was counseled to remove the closet doors, and one thing for certain, you WILL keep the closet less cluttered. Before it was a handy hiding place if someone was coming over! Stuff whatever in the closet and shut the door. I'm sure you know the routine!

I put a low, wide dresser that was my grandparents in the closet with a plastic storage unit on either side. Also many storage crates of various sizes. That side of the room is beginning to take shape. Now I need to take a trip to a "Mart" store and get more bins.

I'm also putting up some extra wallpaper that I had in the closet where the computer is. I'm tired of looking at chipboard, wafer-wood, or whatever it is, it's unappealing.

I also went out and mowed the yard around the hosue early this morning before it got too warm to do it. (I have a riding mower! Don't think I'm THAT ambitious!) I like it so much better when it's been trimmed. Which reminds me, it's time to go change the sprinkler.

I finally finished the little "what-in-the-world-am-I-doing?" quilt for my Mom. Now I just need to catch her at home. She's always going on one jaunt or another.

My back has quit aching so it must be time to get back to the task at hand.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Quick Note

Just a quick note to let anyone who reads this know I haven't given up. I've just been really, really busy.

I have a granddaughter here for two more weeks who is one the computer most of the time. I know, Bad Grammy! But she's so bored here.

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend. Now it's back to the whirl of real life.

I've been commissioned to make three more shopping cart covers. Not my favorite things to do but maybe they will go faster this time. I hope so.

Back to the task (?) of babysitting two of the grandkids. They are fun but when I think of all I need to be doing at home...well, you know. Wish I lived where they could come to my house!

My mother's quilt is all but done. I found a place where the scissors nipped it so I'm putting some appliques over each corner to cover it up! And, yesterday morning I made a little tote bag for my daughter. She wants it for the stroller when she goes walking. I'd post a picture but it's just black cotton duck, nothing exciting there!

If I'm going to get any breakfast before I need to leave I better get it.

Have an AWESOME day !!

Monday Musings

Why is Summer so short? and cold.
What happened to Global Warming? It sure isn't here !!
What am I going to do with this batch of wet clothes that are draped all over my COLD house?